Friday, April 23, 2010
Students Voluteering for Community
The sun is shining. Spring is here. Kids are outside. Have you guessed it?… it’s time for the Community Clean up day at Goodhue High School.
Every year the Goodhue High School students have participated in Community Clean up day. This event is held in the spring around April or May. During this day, the senior high students rake people’s lawns, wash their windows, and pick up sticks. The lawns that get chosen are usually people that are in need and can’t do it themselves. Students travel around town and they also get bused to the rural locations. Some students travel as far as twenty miles. Raking rural lawns makes it possible for all of us to go out and get a full day of work in. “This has been taking place for about 20 years now, and every year it has gone well and the community is very pleased with the students efforts to make our community cleaner,” said Mr. Ed Stern.
Community service day will be held on April 30, 2010. The school usually cleans up around 120 different locations. This year is looking to be a full days work. Students will not only be just raking lawns and picking up sticks, they will be planting flowers in different locations, helping get our athletic fields looking better, and also cleaning up the different parks around town. Goodhue High School doesn’t receive anything for this day except the kids get a good experience with helping out and the elderly are thankful for our help so their lawns can look great. “This day is very rewarding to the kids, because if you attend this you can attend Mini Day,” said Maggie Lexvold a student council member.